===== Install Treelets on Windows 10 Home ===== ==== Install Docker Toolbox ==== * Install the application using the tutorial: [[https://docs.docker.com/toolbox/toolbox_install_windows/]] ==== Setup Treelets from a binary distribution ==== * Download treelets-docker application for Windows 10 Home [[https://uniwersytetlodzki-my.sharepoint.com/:f:/g/personal/pelcra_uni_lodz_pl/EtQbBr7dNQVBlpZAKrupqQ8BjQCAsdJFCLJ0e3ZQ1xhb-g?e=sEwg0d|Windows10Home_24_03_2020.zip]] * Unzip * Run Docker Quickstart Terminal from Desktop and go inside treelets-docker catalog ==== Run Docker ==== * # run in Docker Quickstart Terminal command and note ip, it will be used to open application # get default ip for application docker-machine ip default * # using windows explorer go to the file treelets-docker\app\webapp\assets\config\api.json # change webSocketHost address to docker-machine ip default eg. "webSocketHost": "ws://" * # run install commands: # create a volume docker volume create postgres_database # check volumes docker volume ls # Build docker-compose build # Running docker-compose up -d # View instances docker-compose ps ===== Verify your Treelets installation ===== * On Windows 10 Home use the IP specified during installation: