Table of Contents


SpokesBiz a freely available corpus of conversational Polish developed within the CLARIN-BIZ project and currently comprising over 650 hours of recordings. The transcribed recordings have been diarized and manually annotated for punctuation and casing.

A general overview of the corpus can be found in this paper:


SpokesBiz is made up of several distinct subcorpora.

Subcorpus Recordings Words Utterances Hours Speakers
CBIZ_BIO 170 1383646 68429 166 170
CBIZ_INT 10 26006 1575 2 11
CBIZ_LUZ 297 1510024 103571 157 116
CBIZ_POD 178 991464 47221 92 12
CBIZ_PRES 56 256922 18120 38 39
CBIZ_VC 84 655539 63188 71 110
CBIZ_VC2 84 760671 28397 89 86
CBIZ_WYW 46 327148 16778 37 46
Total 925 5911420 347279 652 590

The data was automatically automatically transcribed and time-aligned and subsequently manually corrected and annotated.

The table below summarises the metadata fields used to describe each utterance in the corpus.

Column Description
conversation_id unique identifier for each conversation
recording_id unique identifier for each recording
recording_path path to download recording file corresponding with the recording_id
subcorpus subcorpus name
conversation_style type of communication
recording_year year of recording
recording_place city where the recording was created (empty when unknown)
recording_time_ss recording time in seconds
segment_seq segment order within the conversation
segment_id unique segment identifier
segment_text segment text after manual correction
segment_word_count number of words within the segment (using SpaceTokenizer from NLTK)
segment_ts_start_ms segment beginning timestamp in milliseconds
segment_ts_end_ms segment ending timestamp in milliseconds
segment_words_ts_ms timestamps for every word in segment
speaker_id unique identifier for speaker
speaker_sex speaker sex with levels f and m
speaker_education speaker education with levels none, primary, secondary, vocational, higher
exact_speaker_age exact speaker age (NULL when unknown)
speaker_age_range_from minimum range value with levels 0, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90
speaker_age_range_to maximum range value with levels 19, 29, 39, 49, 59, 69, 79, 89, 99
speaker_region Polish voivodeship (empty otherwise)
speaker_first_language speaker first language or languages


Please fill out this form to get access to SpokesBiz:

For more information contact


The current license of SpokesBiz is CC-BY-NC-ND. This means that:

  1. Users must cite the above-mentioned publication announcing SpokesBiz.
  2. The corpus must not be used for commercial purposes.
  3. “If you remix, transform, or build upon the material, you may not distribute the modified material.” In other words, you can build and distribute tools or models based on the material, but you must not redistribute the corpus data itself or any parts of it. If you need a different license for the corpus, please contact us at

Project Team



SpokesBiz was developed in the project titled “CLARIN - Common Language Resources and Technology Infrastructure”, which is financed under the 2014-2020 Smart Growth Operational Programme, POIR.04.02.00-00C002/19. We would also like to acknowledge the support VoiceLab in the data transcription and processing efforts.